Cool Beans Tattoo Studio is a private shop located at 396 Martha Street, Burlington, Ontario. CBT is run by Lia MacBean, a longtime professional tattoo artist with the goal of running a welcoming and warm shop that people feel comfortable and excited to visit.
Located in the heart of the Downtown Burlington area, Cool Beans Tattoo conveniently serves clients from not only Burlington, but Oakville, Hamilton and surrounding cities. If you’re looking for an artist to get a new piece or your first piece, CBT is a great place to come! Get in touch and let’s get to work!

Laser tattoo removal has long been a service of interest at Cool Beans Tattoo Studio. Now, this service is available for both existing and new clients in Burlington and the surrounding areas.
There are many reasons a client might seek laser removal, and there is no shame in doing so. Whether outgrowing a piece, wanting to rework an existing design, or hiding the initial of a former partner, Cool Beans Tattoo Studio provides a safe and welcoming space for these needs.
First Session 50% Off!
Laser is not the only way to remove a tattoo that no longer feels right. Sometimes an existing piece can be covered with a new design or reworked into something fresh.
As a Burlington tattoo shop, Cool Beans Tattoos receives a wide variety of requests from clients. Cover-up tattoos are an area that is treated with great care and privilege. Whatever the reason for wanting a cover-up, CBT is here to help.
Let lady luck choose your next piece!
Have you ever had the itch for some new ink and feeling a little adventurous? At Cool Beans Tattoo Studio, we offer a cool concept that perfectly fits your needs! My apprentices and I have loaded up a gum ball machine with awesome tattoo designs. Who wouldn’t adore some new ink for only $45!